ID3 Benchmark

Information from Different Rigs or Wells Consolidated Through the Combination of Rig Sensors and Daily Drilling Reports

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ID3 Benchmark

ID3 Reporting

Enhanced Well Execution with Comprehensive Daily Reporting - Including Daily Drilling Reports, HSE, and BHA Data Via User-Friendly Web Interface

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ID3 Reporting

ID3 Real-Time

Performance Monitoring for Live Wells with Real-time Visualization of Rig Data and KPIs Calculation

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ID3 Real-Time

ID3 Data Manager

ID3 Main Computation Engine, with Automatic Activity Detection and KPIs Calculation

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ID3 Data Manager

ID3 Prediction

State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence Models Applied to HF (High Frequency) and LF (Low Frequency) Data

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ID3 Prediction

ID3 Look Ahead

Anticipate Near Future Rig Operations, Activate Rig Logistics and Maintenance Through Dedicated Features

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ID3 Look Ahead

ID3 Carbon Footprint

Monitoring of GHG Emissions with Indicators for the Most Efficient Use of Diesel Generators

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ID3 Carbon Footprint