
ID3 Software is built with the latest technology to deliver industry-leading performance, scalability, and security. The solution can be deployed in two different or hybrid configurations.

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Our software team relies on robust and modern technologies, primarily centered around Python, TypeScript, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes and Docker. In addition to using these technologies, we develop our own libraries to address recurring challenges encountered while processing extensive datasets.

We adhere to industry-standard code quality best practices, including version control (Git), regular testing, code reviews, and Python static type checking to ensure the highest level of maintainability for our projects.


We collaborate closely with the client's IT team throughout the installation process and provide continuous support and maintenance after the system is up and running in production.


We create a dedicated network for our clients on their chosen cloud computing platform. The software installation and maintenance are managed by the ID3 Software team with the possibility to customize hardware specifications according to the client’s needs. This approach is preferred for its exceptional flexibility.

Hybrid Deployment

The ID3 Suite can be seamlessly deployed and maintained using a hybrid and multi-cloud environment to value flexibility, interoperability, and compliance with data embargo regulations. You can keep sensitive data on-premise while leveraging the cloud's scalibility for other operations.

Seamless Integrations

The ID3 Suite offers comprehensive data-sharing capabilities through its REST APIs and SDKs, allowing seamless integration with third-party tools such as BI tools (e.g., Spotfire, PowerBI, QlikSense, etc.). Our development team continuously works to extend these interfaces to meet specific requirements.


ID3 treats the confidentiality and the integrity of your data as a top priority by implementing the latest and most secure protocols for data at rest (disks encryption), in transit (e.g., HTTPS using TLS 1.3), and for authentication (OpenID Connect 1.0). The development team follows OWASP guidelines and maintains a cybersecurity-centric mindset.

Technical Stack

Our development team fears no technology; instead, it drives innovation by using a cutting-edge stack ranging from frontend to infrastructure. The core idea is to rely on automated technologies and tools to accelerate development, deployment, and maintenance (using Infrastructure as Code).